Bender & Partner

Interpretation and translation from A-Z. Connecting people through language.

Bender & Partner offre ses services depuis près de 30 ans. Nos traducteurs et interprètes hautement qualifiés, vous permettent de vous adresser à de nouveaux publics, quelles que soient leurs languender & Partner offre ses services depuis près de 30 ans. Nos traducteurs et interprètes hautement qualifiés, vous permettent de vous adresser à de nouveaux publics, quelles que soient leurs langues.

About Us

Bender & Partner is a language service provider with almost 30 years’ experience. Our highly qualified translation and interpretation specialists provide people the possibility to connect to a new audience in any language.

L’interprétation et la traduction sous toutes ses formes et dans toutes les langues. Nous créons les liens dont vous avez besoin.
Bender & Partner offre ses services depuis près de 30 ans. Nos traducteurs et interprètes hautement qualifiés, vous permettent de vous adresser à de nouveaux publics, quelles que soient leurs langues.

Our Services


We provide translations for a wide range of text types and languages ​​working with a team of specialist translators. We guarantee our translations are consistent in style and terminology for each project and adapted where necessary to allow your target audience to better understand you. We can also help with proof reading of documents and translations.


We provide qualified and experienced interpreters for anything from one on one meetings to large-scale conferences. We work with you to identify your interpreting needs (simultaneous, consecutive, or liaison interpreting) and ensure you're matched with the right interpreters for the right event. 


As part of our service we can also provide all the necessary equipment.

Minute taking

Formal meetings require a structured, written record of discussions and decisions taken.


Our in-house team is available to transcribe and record meetings in a professional format that complies with your organization's needs, be they minutes or a summary of decisions, in detail or in condensed form.


This service is offered in French, English, Spanish and German.

Our prices

Contact us for more information on our prices or for a tailored quote.


+33 1 53 23 96 20
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Bender & Partner

Interpretation and translation from A-Z. Connecting people through language.

Minute Taking